

left unsaid

By Sundos H.

a split second meeting.
one glance,
and nothing more.
i do not know your name.
neither do you mine.

a short friendship.
we drifted apart.
i have your number,
but i won't call.
you won’t either.

Dream State Slip-Gown

By Isabelle Shachtman

The sound of the train past midnight

And a clear sort of light seek my room and cheeks

Leaving the layers of darkness, moon, and house light stale and stark

As if the lighter colored sheaths of air in the dark are unbreathable

the code of separation

By Katie Stanos

7 november 2017 (sight)

your veiny, wan feet/expansion/between you/the floorboards/creation of


smacking the granite countertop breaks

     infinity they say

Treading Water

By Katherine D. Westbrook

This is the pretend-dream,

where I am teaching you to swim,

and your body and my body

remember their names in the water.

Being Cosmic Dancers: because what else would we be?

By Jaden Gragg

We live on our floating planet,

this hunk, this rock,

we are so small. 

Green Sanctuary

By Karen Lieffring

Come with me into these memories

Where grown-ups are not allowed

Across the deep concrete river

Where in giant hollow owl’s eyes

You can hear the hidden bears’ growls.

Beneath high branches curved like arches

Their leaves intertwined

Yes, I am a Dreamer

By Mary Kaitlan Schmitt

Yeah, I’m a dreamer,

I dream of so many things.

But do you know what separates all

you other dreamers from me?

You all actually work to achieve your

dreams, you

dream about the future and what you

want to become.

Balance Verses Chaos

By Catherine Strayhall

Left only is the echo of the water’s laugh

The birds’ little whispers still can be heard.

The moon isn’t full, it’s only half

Sun’s clear rays have been made fuzzy and blurred.

Melody misses Harmony-her friend

time like falling snow

By Skylar Pappenfort

Memories, oh memories those fine grains of sand

Escape between your fingers to the beating of the band

Murmuring in harmony upon a demure heart

Oh what a lovely pas de deux in which we find our part

Rows of fleeting smiles and a million bluebird skies


By Weston Franklin

The Universe

A place made of solar systems, stars, and planets.

To me,

Is just a fading reality.

A dream someone dreamed last night.

A dying star of happiness that is my heart.

A town of my dreams,

By the sea,


By Angel Jewel Dew

came to me

in a dream;

tis’ I believe

dreams do




If Only

By Linh Lam

If only that person were on the same planet.

If only that person were in the same hemisphere.

If only that person were in the same continent.

If only that person were in the same nation.

Discourse on School

By Anonymous

Kids can’t win.   

Dreaming of my Perfect World

By Elianna Oliver

Who wishes...

she could live in the sunny, tropical Bahamian world for a summer

she could experience the ear-popping adventure

on an airplane

going place to place

visiting the breathtaking sights around planet Earth


By Dawson Plaster

I Wish

To create new and innovative objects

For the joy of finding a new building block of the universe

To write the published wonder that will spread throughout the world

To smell the delicious food in front of me, soon to be in cookbooks everywhere

I Wonder

By Emma Smith

I wonder.

I wonder who the person I’ll become in twenty years will be.

I wonder if I’ll be helping someone in desperate time of need,

or saving someone’s life on an empty street.

I wonder if the mountains I climb

A Wish

By Carly Pearch

I Wish I could travel across the world seeing different

places and meet different people,

I Wish I could travel through time and space seeing

different times and worlds,

I Wish I could fly and explore the sky and all its wonders,

Who I Want To Be

By Shantha Burt

Of all the questions,

one stands out.

Who do you want to be?

I want to be someone whose life is overflowing with adventure.

I want to travel and explore.

It would be great to see monuments as bold as stars.

Oh, Dreaming Dreams I've Only Dreamt to Dream Before

By Emma Olinger

Standing in the middle of the stage

microphone taped to my face

singing my heart out

Handcuffing the mass murder who

has been loose for decades

lowering his head

into the cop car


By Marlen Salazar

My hope is that we can forget about hate,

our prejudices, our unneeded bias.