

Box of Color Pencils

By Rebecca Meyer

While walking in the art store today.

I overheard a color pencil box

With many things to say

“I don’t like the Red,” said the Orange

and Green said, “Nor do I”

and no one likes Yellow

But no one knows just why

Dear Whom Ever Cares to Listen

By Andre Stevens

I’m a new york kid. there i was born and raised. outside on the block that’s where i spent most of my days, but now my vision’s in a haze. my mom said, what i’m going through is just a phase, but i know now that’s not the case.


By Heather Martin

Hatred melts away

Madness peels back from my mind

Wrongs are diluted

Accompany me

To a place so far away

Let us reside there

Sit in wait of me

Yet we are still together

Take long walks with me

War That Can Not Be Won

By Taylor Haviland

We are all rugged people,

and through out soft degrees.

Many a mean have shouted,

Many have fallen too their knees.

We think we’re at war with others,

But wrong because we are at war

with ourselves,

Green Sanctuary

By Karen Lieffring

Come with me into these memories

Where grown-ups are not allowed

Across the deep concrete river

Where in giant hollow owl’s eyes

You can hear the hidden bears’ growls.

Beneath high branches curved like arches

Their leaves intertwined

You Opened My Eyes

By Hannah E. Jenkins

I was blind and you opened my eyes.

I was blind to deceivers, and you showed

me them. I was blind to true love, and you showed

me it. I was blind to forgiveness and you did it for me.

I was blind to the truth, and you revealed it all. I was blind

Behind a stone cold shell

By Dusti Lewis

Get behind the eight ball she said, which I had yet to understand. She said

it meant to look ahead to the future. I sat

there contemplating this saying for a while, and as I fell into

a deep slumber my thoughts ran free. Thinking of our future--

The Early Storm

By Rebecca Meyer

In solitude of the night, with help of

the early storm, you find peace and

utter relaxation. Tearing down the

limits of your imagination, making

room for the inspiration, the

imaginative power of your soul.


By Rachel Franklin

Silent torture works the best,

As if one’s memories were weights,

Weighing down the trudging steps

Echoing as darkness waits.

See Through Glass Bowl

By Keegan Conrad

 All the things inside of me, swimming in my soul,

Show on the outside, like a see through glass bowl,

 My clothes are colorful with a comfy fit,

 Showing my humor, style, and wit,

 My athleticism is shown also by my clothes,

Real World

By Maddie Miguel

This is the real world

With limited freedom, and lots of things to fear

Where you can’t get away from the truth

This is where violence lives, and people follow you

Where guns are triggered at any time or place

Inside Out

By Rachel Pedichio

Sometimes things are not the way they seem

Say an M&M for instance, its candy coated on the outside

But chocolate in the inside.

Some say they are lonely in the inside

But so busy out there.

Make It What You Want

By Hailey Cannon

Wake up

Do my hair

Put makeup on

So they don’t stare

Wait a minute

Nothing’s wrong with me

I have friends

And a family


By Grace Martin

Different: not the same as another.

My “friends” and I, we’re different from each other.

They are cool; I am not.

I am lame; they are hot.

Even when they’re wrong, people think they’re right.

They like the day; I like the night.

Rain of Mortality

By Zoë Christianson

 I killed a tree writing notes last night,

 but the question ravaging my mind

 does not relate to the fine points of progressivism.

 Even I, as little as I live, am too distracted to get this right.

The Ballad of Link and Zeida

By Sam Lawler

I’ve run through grasses and cut them down

With my new Kokiri sword.

I have only twenty-five rupees,

So the shield I can’t afford.

Once I’ve purchased this wooden defense,

I’ll meet the Great Deku Tree

The Tale of the King of Thieves

By Mellissa Osborne

There is a world so different than ours

Where elves walk with man and have mystical powers

And in this world, on the streets of a small castletown

There you’d find the most honorable rogue around

It was home to the King of Thieves.

Dr. Suess-Athon

By Nick Wassmer

When so many things stop and they clatter, up in the jabambaway things hip, hop and shatter. For up in this place a great WHO lurks about For the little who-whoians ask and they pout. For the lorax knows best, so the Lorax puts those who-whoians to the ultimate test!!

Turning Life Into an Art

By Rachel Franklin

What are we here for?

Might there be a purpose that is more?

Maybe only time can tell the true meanings of our lives; it doesn’t lie.

That’s the power behind our efforts that continue till we die.


By Drake Myers

On a journey,

Without reasons,

Conforming to the changing seasons,

Flowing like a great song,

Thoughts of things grow ever long,

Mountains passing,

Some dreams crashing,

While others come to birth.

Just a Thought

By Kelly O’Neill

I don’t know why,

Maybe it was just a thought.

‘Less it was not to just sit here,

And have my mind rot.

Writing on paper,

With the scratch of pen.

Thinking of nothing,

‘Cept the thoughts of men.

An Outsider

By Alyx Delgado

My outside a shy, colorless human being

Soft spoken and gentle as can be

How I appear “perfect” and “flawless” as can be.

However my only flaw may be how I have another person

Wanting to be set free...


By Joe McGuffin

To you I’m broken

To you I’m like a flavor that wouldn’t last

You took one bite

And spat me out real fast

Now this mark remains and it will never ever go away

To you I’m broken

I stretched myself across the world

Could It Be Better Tomorrow?

By Matt Logan

An act of courage is what I call,

 In the eye of a parent a plummeting fall.

An hour-long lecture will send him on his way.

 It just seems like another reason to run away.

These are words of wisdom you should borrow.

Locked Out

By Anonymous

I look at them around me

Those who with my choices disagree

My eyes drop

They’re staring

Quickly judging what they see.

Outside Looking In

By Connor Rice

My head tends to spin

Because I’m on the outside looking in

My heart starts to yearn

The secrets of friendship I wish to learn

I want to be inside

And to be filled with pride

I can imagine myself in there

What’s Inside of You?

By David Henderson

“To Strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

Thou shalt never give up,

What is rightfully his,

Never whimper away from fears,

Never give away their tears,

Fight for what is right,

Inside the brightest of light,

Here I Am

By Justin Boicourt

I’m here,


No one sees me.

I walk through,


Like the truth

Behind the mirror.

For me,

They have blind eyes

Of icy blue.

To get in

I jump the fence.

Mirror of my soul

By Bethanie Powell

My mind confused. My body unable to move. My blood

gone cold. My face turns pale. I look in the mirror to see no

one no reflection the reflection that I once saw was that of a

girl that was fake had no love for anyone but herself my life

I Wish

By Anonymous

I wish…

I could run like an Olympian

I could draw without restrictions

I could dance like nobody is watching

I could sing as pretty as a mockingbird

I wish…

I could be a world traveler