

I Wonder Why...

By Camille Christie

I wonder why

when I look up to the sky

dark clouds roll by

and birds don’t fly, but die.

Iris: A Haiku

By Hana Spangler

Spring brings the iris

budding from the sodden ground

life’s color at last

Gone and Now I’m Free

By Hannah E. Jenkins

The hate that lived within

me, that inhabited my very core


It has no home with me anymore

I’ve let it go

It no longer rules me


By Brooke Stanley

Bumping the van, our holey road twists

onto the dark side of each mountain,

drawing us into night and the nervousness

of a stranger at the wheel in an unfamiliar place.

The stars are swallowed, the moon gone

My Future

By Elizabeth Mwalisansa

I think more about my future

I can't understand my future

I see that future is very difficult 

Boy was on a Cloud

By Ayah Abdul Rauf

Hallo there boy

You're just a child

Play on the fluffy cloud

In the air.

Think of nothing.

Until you fall

Fall a man

Live a man

Die a man

Quiet Sighs

By Drew Wilson

Whenever I' m alone I miss you

Wish I took that chance to kiss you

I feel shattered and alone

like a dog thats lost his bone 

Remembering your laughing eyes

my life is filled with quiet sighs

Seasons may come and seasons may go


By Chris Padgett

Speak in your whispers, yet love me the same,

Wrap me in wings of comfort that tears can't absolve,

See through the struggles were new paths evolve,

your silence lies down beside me with only repetitive breath,

Balance Verses Chaos

By Catherine Strayhall

Left only is the echo of the water’s laugh

The birds’ little whispers still can be heard.

The moon isn’t full, it’s only half

Sun’s clear rays have been made fuzzy and blurred.

Melody misses Harmony-her friend


By Rachel Franklin

I. Blue chamber 

Take my hand, feel for flesh

beneath the glove, the mask

Catch the notes slipping through

the air (your fingers)

Dance until we die and await the


Listen closely.

New Sport

By Angela Clem

Lead between my eyes,

it moves faster than you think.

I know it’s hard to tell from your point of view,

but it’s almost impossible for me to realize it even

happened in the first place

Don’t worry.


By Amanda Schoep

My head hits the pillow

It sinks in

I turn to the left

Then the right

Then back to facing the


I close my eyes

Bad things creep around in

my mind

They pop open

I stare at that chair

Thoughts on High School

By Julia Marquez

What is the point of pep rallies? Is anyone actually, genuinely enthusiastic? I find it much easier to believe that, seeing as we’re teenagers, we’re all just faking it, in an ironic sort of way.


First Step into High School

By Abbey Mock

Walking down

The hall of my high school,

The stares,


The whispers,

Telling lies of the truth,

Tears cause by,

Always and forever,


Hurt by you,

Love turning to hate,

The Chief

By Patrick Barry

They say he could see a full mile on the horizon.

They say that he could smell the seas from the plain.

I’ve heard he could dance to the rhythm of a heartbeat,

And visualize true beauty in the rain.

A Trench in Hell

By Patrick Barry

Rain floods the trenches on a cold darkened night,

And the battle drags on. How long must they fight?

Rats grow fat as they feast on the dead.

The constant shell impacts get to the head.

You keep your bayonet close, and your eye on no-man’s-land,

Life in a Swamp of Lies

By Brandon Rainwater

Never wanted to be proven wrong

Even when trapped in a corner

Heart thumping;

Knee's quivering;

Lip's trembling;

As my mind races to cover up yet another


By Jaden Gragg

There is so much beneath the surface

of what we are being told,

like cream rising to the top of milk,

like layers in the ocean,

like light filtering in only through the top.

The rest is inky darkness,

Here is the Son

By Haley Claxton

Here Is The Son

that shines through





that herald

a coming storm,

a storm in

the heart

the mind

the soul.

When you feel


time like falling snow

By Skylar Pappenfort

Memories, oh memories those fine grains of sand

Escape between your fingers to the beating of the band

Murmuring in harmony upon a demure heart

Oh what a lovely pas de deux in which we find our part

Rows of fleeting smiles and a million bluebird skies

Light in Darkness

By Becky Reilly

A star, bright, sky’s diamond

Yellow, blue, white, green

A shinier object

Mine eyes have not seen

I have not been told

Of a more unique thing

Not light itself, music,

A crystal, a ring


By Haley Claxton

A warm soft breeze blows

The sun descends from the sky.

The scene is peaceful.

You gaze upon it,

And know the sun will return,

Soon in the morning.

what is a home...

By Connor Mitts

Is it the one place you can go?

the one place you can trust

those who are there

no matter where you are

or where you are going?

Is a home where you are always found

and lost to lose yourself in old memories?

The Willow Tree

By Mathew Morefield

I sit under the willow tree

waiting for the approaching storm.

And it comes with a

gust of wind.

I sit under the willow tree

Watching the storm

Destroy everything it can.

It blows over the trees


By Rachel Franklin

Tonight I let my shadow wind around my ankles

Soft fingers pulling me down as I succumb to myself.

I look inside to find a growing grasping black.

You should have risen by now, your cadence the only light

I believe.

By Bailey Tulluch

I believe.

That everything means something,

and one thing can mean everything.

I believe.

That every little mockingbird

deserves a chance to sing.


By Weston Franklin

The Universe

A place made of solar systems, stars, and planets.

To me,

Is just a fading reality.

A dream someone dreamed last night.

A dying star of happiness that is my heart.

A town of my dreams,

By the sea,


By Bailey Fi

The pencil soars across the black page

painting imagination, uniqueness

illuminating places concealed in the corner of your mind

bringing eccentric beasts into the fabric of reality

blustering winds rush over once serene, quiet glades


By Ayah Abdul Rauf

most pristine nuisance

gorgeous agony

straddling the retired cannon

thumping your

lace tied


against it, silent pinching of my waist

your limbs of every bit

are a pressure on the body.


By Angel Jewel Dew

came to me

in a dream;

tis’ I believe

dreams do


