

String Theory

By Haley Kleinman

there is a gentle pulse on the other side of forever
when Mother Nature’s whisper grows hoarse
and our two hands hang limply in the space between us
leaden feathers dragging on the corners of fickle consciousness,
the laughter drying,
morphine for the pre-dead

A Wistful Storm

By Lillian Flood

In all her many years, the woman did not think she ever witnessed anything as ugly as rain. It wasn’t just the way it stuck to the ground, leaving muddy piles all over the city, littering the sidewalks with grime and built-up trash.

Love like stardust

By Erinn Fent

You waltz by
Zipping through my stratosphere
Leaving almost tangible trails
Streams of fog and particles of water
Falling slowly down to my earth
You come in and out of orbit
Following a reckless collision course
Sometimes I could reach out and touch you

The Love Letter

By Tess Vanberg

The second time I got married was the happiest day of my life. It was illegitimate and secretive. It was born of utter foolishness, but the joy that filled my heart that day was unrivaled by anything done before the eyes of the familiar.

to the crab nebula and back

By Anonymous

I vividly remember
the rough feel of my closet’s carpeting beneath my fingers
as they traced lines and circles and stars
like the ones that filled the sky that night.


By Sangitha Aiyer

As I pass through an unmarked apartment building,

I observe a woman’s relationship with a stray cat.

Obscured by the shadows of happy hour light,

the dirt that has accumulated on the floor’s grout still shines, 


By Gaby Kill

My lover is strong for a reason.

I was teasing her neck and giggled when she flipped me

  “play fighting”

hit flat on my back, seeing stars in broad daylight on the lawn

of the private school she would get kicked out of.



By Billie Croft



It’s half past eleven, so

we find an epileptic street light & swap sweat


before I put my hands in your pockets &

tell you I feel like I’m in Riyadh with a roughcast of redsand on my tongue and camel skin beneath my feet

a story in the perspective of the love interest

By Julie Pham


the director says ​start​, and you come to life like an automaton. a blink, and

Venus's Apprentice

By Sarah Walker

she rocks on a satin sea

her crossbow jawline aimed upward

trained on the sun.

she shoots, trying to make

the sun sink to her,

make it fall

in love with her.

these ink-stained hands

By Kristy Kwok

there’s a galaxy, all ink and stars, that spins below your collarbone, 

and i can’t help but wonder who drew it:

did they see you as i see you? did they mean it to remind me

of the truth that other hands have gone where mine just dream they’ve been?

cheat codes

By Sofia Calavitta

she could’ve found

anyone, I know, the boys

who promised her better in the

beginning would be

baffled if they

knew because she

didn’t choose

anyone (she chose me)

the wind that brought my body back

By Eva Parsons

It wasn’t until I

could feel the wind

kissing my hand,

arm hanging out of

your old rusty van

that I realized that

I have a purpose

even if that purpose is purely

letting other people know

that sometimes


By Arden Yum

It’s one year later & I still feel you on my shoulders,

breathing vulnerability onto my tender neck.

Two bodies wrapped in desire,

like silver paper, on Christmas.

We breathe each other & call it air.

You say survival, I say

taxonomy of two girls

By Jessica Liu

  how everything had a name in the tender white light

Screaming Secrets : A view from

By Jillian Beyer

She fell on top of me, burrowed her face in my fluff, hands smacking the down inside of me, legs kicking, wriggling, growing restless at the foot. Every night I gave her comfort, she told me her secrets, whispered in the meekest of voices of the taunts and the teases and the tortures of the day.


By JDC Resident

dedicated to joetta

I care about u

just 2 let you know

cuz I don’t know how

much love I show

A strong black

newbian queen is what

I call you

Connection at First Sight

By Annie Barry

I read about you

in my horoscopes and in a relatable tweet last week

as soon as I saw you, I knew those were written about you

All Things Terribly Lovely

By Hannah Holliday

When you asked me who I thought you were and I didn’t have an answer, I was worried. Why does my brain not instantly generate poetry when I think about how beautiful you are? Now that I have an answer I am terrified.


By Sofia Calavitta

Too long we have forgotten

The story of breath in our lungs

Depending on who you ask

We started from clay, dust,

Half of a ribcage, the salt of the

Earth, the water of the sea;

The old gods.

Museum of Broken Street Signs

By Meghana Lakkireddy

I miss running down the street with you at half past 3

When your dad dropped you off after softball practice on Sunday afternoons.

And there was never anything more than grass stains on white pants and empty soda cans that my mom told me to throw away two hours ago.


By Isabelle Shachtman

You ask me If I know the way back home from here. I sing the words, “yes, dear” back to you like I’m someone else. You say “alright” because you’ve got nothing else to say right now; I respect that. I keep my eyes on the road. I’m not quite sure where you’re looking at this point

she took my poems

By Annie Barry

why do i allow myself to participate in something as dangerously stupid as Love?

allow myself to participate

i say

as if i don’t

put myself up to bat

in a room full of automatic pitch machines

Five Fingers To Count a Hand

By Callan Latham

I wake before you and in the darkness,

I don’t recognize you right away.

Your lashes bring their own light,

full like fields of crows,

a murder of crows. The birds nested

on the hill I’m sure I’ve told you about

Treading Water

By Katherine D. Westbrook

This is the pretend-dream,

where I am teaching you to swim,

and your body and my body

remember their names in the water.


By Lauren Engelken

All I’ve ever wanted is independence from everyone and to live my own life. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never had that before living with a large family and controlling parents but it’s something I always long for.

Your Opposite Reactions are Far Beyond Attractive

By Becky Peda

Regretful murder suicides

Or better yet, just suicides.

Acting as if you knew all about it,

You’re helping a lot,

Really, you’re not.


By Anna Jones

Built into the foundation

Of this very earth

Is a virtue,

More mysterious,

More powerful

Than life itself.

Ode to Bunny

By Angi Clem

O, furry friend with aerial ears

Short in memory, but long in years

You hop, you stretch, you yawn, you drink

But as I can guess, you do not think

What passes through your fuzzy head?

You eat, you run, you go to bed


By Michele Ortiz

My life is trapped inside glass walls

I try hard to make them fall

But nothing can penetrate them

The only escape is around the rim

I’m stuck to the earth around me

Hoping one day to be free

I try to grow over the rim when it’s low