

Light Up the Night

By Anonymous

Immovably unquiet and forever

Is the moon’s perch in the sky.

Sitting in a blanket of mismatched stars

Is the place children go for a sweet midnight dream.

Scared Loveless

By Zoë Christianson

I wish that I could speak my mind more easily.

I wish I didn’t fall in love so easily

and that it weren’t so obvious.

The Tale of the King of Thieves

By Mellissa Osborne

There is a world so different than ours

Where elves walk with man and have mystical powers

And in this world, on the streets of a small castletown

There you’d find the most honorable rogue around

It was home to the King of Thieves.


By Emmy Hartman


I wait for


I sit quietly

and picture


wondering if

you will still


Losing Lila

By Jessica Sutter

It looked a bit like Lila, but it wasn’t Lila. I don’t know why people say that when someone dies they look like they’re sleeping. Her skin was dull grey and colder than ice. Her long body lay limp and heavy on the stainless steel table. Her clothes were dirty and rumpled.

Quite simply, you are a parallel revolution

By Brooke Shippee

Life is a never-ending coil

With twists and turns

And you are the one thing that I did not count on.

You are the mistake in a waltz.







Quiet Sighs

By Drew Wilson

Whenever I' m alone I miss you

Wish I took that chance to kiss you

I feel shattered and alone

like a dog thats lost his bone 

Remembering your laughing eyes

my life is filled with quiet sighs

Seasons may come and seasons may go


By Chris Padgett

Speak in your whispers, yet love me the same,

Wrap me in wings of comfort that tears can't absolve,

See through the struggles were new paths evolve,

your silence lies down beside me with only repetitive breath,

Necromancer: Confession

By Connor Rice

Rain danced gleefully across the tombstones as if mocking the dead. The now wet moss on older parts of the graveyard made the ground slick. It grew where other forms of life refused for reasons of their own, yet sparingly did the moss do so as if even it respected burial grounds.

Yes, That is Why...

By Elizabeth B. Kelly

The wind and rain, two things I love most. They go hand in hand, the wind and rain. First, the wind blows through and tells the world to be quiet and listen; then the rain comes and washes away horrible things.

Lichtenburg Love

By Rachel Franklin

I used to tread over damp ground

yet seek shelter from the rain.

Those wilted lives, half-truths

fed to half-lovers, are gone.

The hollows of your cheeks

are cracked like parched earth

from years wasted needing me to kiss you.

Song of Ice and Fire

By Lauren McGrath

Stare into these eyes of flame

Warm embrace of blazing love

Wild animal you cannot tame

Feral beauty of gentle dove


Gaze into these eyes of fire

Scorching heat of kindled lust

Burning secret of past desire

Where the Heart Beats

By Betsy Cha

Perhaps the first

Was the open sky

Infecting above the carpeted ground.

Books astray in an old wicker basket,

Just enough room for a girl to climb in.

Crayons drawing, thoughts wild; just

imagine at your fingertips

The World.


My Eyes Have Seen

By Jill Forrester

My eyes have seen,

My ears have heard,

The special beauty,

Of a kind world.

Those who do,

And those who do not,

They have shaped,

What it is I have got.

If Only

By Linh Lam

If only that person were on the same planet.

If only that person were in the same hemisphere.

If only that person were in the same continent.

If only that person were in the same nation.

Fire and Powder

By Robyn Peterson

“These violent delights have violent ends

And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,

Which, as they kiss, consume.”

-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 

tidal waves

By Olivia Humphrey

Some of my hobbies include:


and baking

and looking into your brown eyes until I fear that I just might lose myself inside of them.

A few of my favorite activities are:


and sewing

Coffee Cups

By Maya Bluitt

I'm not sure if the glass is half empty or half full. 

Coffee shops leave me homesick for 8 minute drives to your cul-de-sac, to your arms; you're always busy. 

Balcony Wishes

By Lauren Blood

The sky was an abyss of gloom,

As the trees billowed in the breath of the wind.

The stars sang secrets to the moon,

Above a castle holding lovers within.

An age-old monarch was outraged by his daughter’s betrayal,


By Emily Wilkinson

I am in love with a girl… who is afraid of breakfast,

who brews coffee in the morning like gasoline feeding a starving engine.

Her fingers dance around the machinery of her waist out of step with reality.


By Cathy Wang

Things I know to be true:

I have black hair and brown eyes.

I love cashews and reading.

Being around people makes me happy.

I have a mom, dad, and one sister.

I am happy.

Some days I’m not quite so happy.

But that’s okay.

Midnight Light Switch

By Anonymous

The initial absolute of "black"

fizzes out; reds and blues and shapes pulse

with every beat of your racing heart.

You can feel her hands, see the basic outline of them,

of her shoulders, her curved collarbone.

As you reach for her -

Beginning // End

By Allison Gliesman

Today, I am the only song you’ve ever known all the words to.  I am the first person who ever meant it and the last thought you can manage before you close your eyes. You look at me, and all you see is light. You look at me, blinded, and you tell me you’re the happiest person alive.

it's real with her

By Abbey Kelley

my laughter quieted 

when she looked at me.

there hasn't been anyone else in the world

who makes me as still as she does,

because her eyes sparkle even when

she's frowning,

and she I know she can see

The Mark of Love

By Kaylie MacLaughlin

Aria pointed at the little flower on her ankle with a short, chubby finger and asked her mother in her unpracticed, fragmented English about what it was. “Pretty,” she said, her ‘r’ little too rounded and her voice broken up by her childish laughter.


By Abigail Cottingham

His taste in music was mayonnaise: bland and unappreciated by most of the population. I guess you could say I love mayonnaise. We attended the same school, but a year separated us so we didn’t have any classes together.

Time’s Beauty

By Willow Vaughn

Time is a girl with curly hair that bounces with every step and twirl she takes

She talks with her hands but never fails to find the right word to say

She can be by your side one second and gone the next

Getting lost in the crowd is fun to her

Lover of Time

By Willow Vaughn

I seduced Time

I brought her thorny flowers, held her worn hands and kissed her softly

I caressed her flushed cheeks and played with her hair, long like a timeline

I ran my hands along her battle-won scars and her strong but delicate body

Sei la mia vita

By Abigail Cottingham

The boy from the apartment below yours writes you letters about the birds and calls you a sunset.

“Tu sei il sole del mio giorno.” You are the sunshine of my day.

I was in love with that girl

By Anonymous

I remember the guilt I had as

A nine year old girl

When I kissed another girl

Just for fun.

I wouldn’t have

If she didn’t lead me on


Blue eyes

Red-brown hair.

After the first time she kissed me