elementia issue 3



By JDC Resident

I remember about my past.

my childhood.

it wasn’t good.

It was actually a nightmare.





By JDC Resident

I remember a time when I had freedom. Maybe

not freedom, but choices. I could

choose my friends. I could choose

what I wanted to wear. The freedom

to say no, when I didn’t want to do



By JDC Resident

I lost my favorite cousin

he was at a gas station getting gas

with his daughter

and his daughter’s mother

and someone ran over

and shot him.


By JDC Resident

freedom’s important

I see very clearly now

the great open space

it’s not much to some people

but to me it’s...everything.


By JDC Resident

on vacation from myself-damaging life


By JDC Resident

dedicated to joetta

I care about u

just 2 let you know

cuz I don’t know how

much love I show

A strong black

newbian queen is what

I call you


By JDC Resident


As I sit and do this free write

The thoughts going through my head aren’t light

As I think back on my old action times of crisis

Thoughts of things past I would rather dismiss

As I realize I betrayed myself


By JDC Resident

My mom is like binoculars

She is always looking out for me

My dad is like a unicorn

I’ve never seen him

I have always wondered

what he looks like


By JDC Resident

If you fall head first

are you falling up?

or to the side?

or in between?

Can you feel heaven

and taste hell?

Can you reach in and pull out,

jump in and jump around?

If you exist but choose to be


By Anonymous

It comes in all shapes and sizes

some cute couples,

some odd pairs...

we know who we are.

But despite the fact that commonly,

this world leads us to believe

that clash will always lead to



By Kelly O’Neill

Over the quivering surface of the stream,

The moon issued a silent scream.

The fog of war flowed silently adrift,

The pain of the night was silent and swift.

A moth fluttered in the silent breeze,

Surrounded by the scent of death and disease.


By Jessica Sutter

I walk outside

Everything seems so dark

Have only the stars

To give me light

Wind blows the grass

Makes the leaves dance

Swirls in my hair

Carries away my every care

And the stars

Twinkle down on me


By Jaden Gragg

Notorious Victoria,

Malicious Victoria,

Sweet kind and loving Victoria.

Multiple personalities,

An ongoing personification,

Can create,

In itself a problem,

Don’t you think,



By Ayah Adbul Rauf

Can you believe that? Absolutely impossible. The world ended three months ago. But if you think that’s why I’m in denial, you’re wrong.

I simply can’t believe that a guy like that can even exist...


By Ayah Abdul Rauf

I want to scramble away

I want to scream

I want to shout

I want to fight back



I need to scramble away

I need to scream

I need to shout

I need to fight back.

Or do I?


By Dustin Robinson

What is this nonsense that a school represents?

It teaches the ways of a trained money controlling society

I dwell in the essence of my mind knowing they don’t have me convinced

I’m an individual and I will not be another part of the variety


By Erin Ashley

Hawk upon blue sky

Soaring above brook and spring

On the endless high


By JDC Resident

I want to touch a tree.

Not just any tree.

A tree with big green leaves.

I miss the shade trees

give on hot summer days.

The way they smelled, not

like a flower, just the

overall smell of nature.

I want to sit on

Sometimes I Cry

By JDC Resident

Sometimes when I sit in my room I think of home

I think of all the things I miss and how I’m alone

In all the loneliness I get consumed in sadness and fear

Then I feel the pain as I shed a tear

Sometimes when I’m in my room and I’m entrapped in silence


By Julia Marquez

In real life things don’t have outlines.

The Milkman

By Jaden Gragg

The milkman used to come up this way,

Bringing us his creamy milk, and stories, back in the day.

A dusty train followed him, rising up into the sky,

His buggy drove low, but his spirits sang high.

In my mind, I still see his horse-drawn car,

What time Is It?

By Patrick Barry

“Within the surface of the fleeting river the wrinkled image of the city lay.” I stopped and observed this for some time deep in thought about how much I wanted a gas-powered sweater. Sadly, being a stand up comedian, I had little or no money.

Holes in the Heavens

By Drew Wilson

The sky is bright

But the Stars are cold

Like eyes, they twinkle

Ancient and old

Looking down on the Earth far below

They watch and wait,

And what’s more, they know

They look down, older than time

Staring at me

Scarlet Hall

By Jaden Gragg

Hearing the phantom calls of the organ,

And the soft murmur of the church choir,

Awakened from sleep with a feeling she couldn’t describe,

She got out of bed and followed it outside.

A careful mist lay over her small town, a light shield of protection.

Lonely Man

By Alison Stephens

A lonely man sits on the side of the road

He sings a song,

La, la, la.

He stops, silence.

Red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow

The light keeps turning

Over and over

But no one is in sight, besides the lonely man

White Death

By Rachel Karner

Daring to yearn for freedom as

the doors of your prison open

the view of white death before you

all of your small hopes broken

standing in a door between hell’s

cold fingers brush your skin

beautiful death covers the hills

Forgotten: The Holocaust

By Alexa Schnieders

The horror, the brutality

eats away at my heart until I no longer

see the need to go on.

I bite my lip,

holding in the


the remorce

the screams

I want the world to hear.

but they won’t.

The Sun is Set

By Hannah Gerwick

the water is still.

sitting on the dock, watching the horizon

I see

the bright orange, pink, yellow sky

with a mix of purple and blue

slowly fading away into darkness

Reflections on Water

By Jessica Sutter

The water spraying around me

The waves like endlessness enveloping me,

Surrounding me, smothering me

The hugeness of the ocean

Obscures my vision

Numbs my senses

Yet I feel the waves

Pounding, beating.

The Twilight

By Audra Spitzer

Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night? You look around and all your clocks are flashing. Blinking, on and off, on and off. You think to yourself, was it supposed to storm tonight? You decide the best way to find the solution is to check outside.