Eragon lives in the dystopian Empire, and must hunt in the ominous woods of the Spine in order to survive. On one of his treks, he discovers a strangely smooth and hollow blue stone. He plans to sell it, but it is in fact not a stone at all but a dragon egg. This discovery launches him into a world filled with all that he thought was legend - the world of the Dragon Riders. But the Emperor is not happy with their revival, and Eragon must figure out a way to escape him, all while his dreams are plagued by a mysterious beautiful elven woman and he knows not who is friend or foe.
I reread this recently as it used to be one of my favorite books. I didn’t quite live up to my expectations as an older reader - the prose didn’t seem quite as beautiful and the plot didn’t seem quite as original. However, it’s definitely an excellent book for a younger teen reader and the subsequent books are pretty long, and in my opinion only get better from the first one; so it’s an excellent series to pick up if you have some spare time lying around that you don’t know what to do with. I would give it three stars