Reviews by Tag: pakistan

Teen Review
Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed

Amal Unbound

By Aisha Saeed
Star Rating

Rated by
Jun 12, 2023

Amal Unbound is a book about a girl’s fight for education and knowing her rights. The story is a take on problems many people in real life, even today, must face. The main character is a young woman named Amal. One of the things she wants most is to have a good education, but unfortunately, she is a girl. Girls don’t have as many opportunities as boys to read and study.

Teen Review
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

I Am Malala

By Malala Yousafzai
Star Rating

Rated by
Victoria O.
Jan 6, 2023

I Am Malala is an autobiography written by Malala Yousafzai. The book follows the life of

Malala and her family. Malala was born in Swat Valley, Pakistan. As the Taliban begins to

invade Pakistan, they take rights from women and girls. When the Taliban tried to take away

girls’ rights to education, Malala and her father began to speak out. She became an important

figure and activist in girl’s rights, so much so that the Taliban shot her to silence her. Malala’s

Teen Review
Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed

Amal Unbound

By Aisha Saeed
Star Rating

Rated by
Victoria O.
Jan 6, 2023

Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed is a realistic fiction book that takes place in Pakistan. Amal

loves to learn and wants to be a teacher, but being the oldest child means she is responsible for

caring for her siblings instead of receiving an education. Amal works hard and goes to school

whenever she can, but one day everything changes. Amal accidentally runs into the richest

man in the village and angers him. She is forced to be one of his servants, at one of his private

Teen Review
Written in the Stars by Aisha Saeed

Written in the Stars

By Aisha Saeed
Star Rating

Rated by
Preya N.
Oct 6, 2021

Naila comes from an immigrant Pakistani family where she isn’t allowed to enjoy many of the privileges her friends are lucky enough to have, including a boyfriend. But right before she graduates high school, her parents discover that she has a secret boyfriend and decide to take a family vacation to Pakistan to reeducate Naila. Naila even starts to enjoy herself a little, but her new life takes a turn for the worse when her parents decide that they want her to get married, and have already found her a husband in Pakistan for her arranged marriage.

Staff Review


By Naomi Shihab Nye
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 20, 2014

The day after Liyana experiences her first kiss, her father announces that he is moving the family from St. Louis, to his birthplace, Jerusalem. Liyana leaves everything she knows behind, and everything that won't fit in a few boxes and embarks on an adventure to experience a different kind of life.

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