Reviews by Tag: england

Teen Review
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden

By Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Feb 12, 2025

A cross little girl named Mary Lennox lives in India with her rich parents and their servants until the household erupts with Cholera and everyone dies or flees. Leaving Mary by herself until she’s found by an English officer who sends her back to England to live with her uncle. When she arrives she slowly comes more and more alive and she runs, plays and explores the gardens around the estate. Through her wanderings she finds a new secret and makes new friends who teach her things, and she teaches them things in return. 

Teen Review
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Stalking Jack the Ripper

By Kerri Maniscalco
Star Rating

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Safa Al
Feb 12, 2025

Everyone knows who Jack the Ripper is, but nobody ever figured out who he was. Stalking Jack the Ripper is a thrilling tale that answers that very question. It follows Seventeen-year-old Audrey Rose Wadsworth who has a knack for the dead. She studies bodies with her uncle who is a doctor. A string of murders starts appearing in England and Audrey has no choice but to try to solve the mystery. With the help of her uncle's seemingly annoying assistant Thomas, they try to solve these murders. 

Teen Review
Spy School British Invasion by Stuart Gibbs

Spy School British Invasion

By Stuart Gibbs
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Sanay Mishra
Feb 3, 2025

For the seventh installment in the Spy School series, Ben Ripley is dragged into yet another covert operation to take down SPYDER. However, what starts with a clear goal becomes a hazy mess, leaving Ben and his team sprawled across England without any hints. Amid escalating threats and unexpected allies, Ben has to outsmart the enemy and stop their plan before it’s too late. Through all this, he must also face his biggest emotional challenge yet: Erica Hale.

Teen Review
Stormbreaker book cover


By Anthony Horowitz
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Nov 22, 2024

Stormbreaker initiates the Alex Rider series with action-packed flair, drawing readers into a world of espionage and suspense. Alex's uncle Ian dies mysteriously, leading him to discover a hidden life of espionage. He's recruited by MI6 and embarks on a perilous mission to investigate Sayle Enterprises. As Alex navigates this treacherous world, he uncovers a sinister plot threatening global security. With gadgets, action and suspense, this debut sets the tone for the series.

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book cover

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

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Jack M.
Oct 4, 2024

A few months after he triumphs over the dark lord, Voldemort, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts again for another year of practicing magic. This year, Harry discovers that his ability to talk to snakes isn’t the gift he thought it was, causing many students to turn on him. Soon after, a mysterious message written in blood appears, “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir Beware”. Following this event, an unknown individual is going around petrifying students of Hogwarts, including Harry’s friend Hermione.

Teen Review
Heartstopper by Alice Heartstopper by Alice Osemen

Heartstopper Volume One

By Alice Oseman
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Mariam S.
May 9, 2022

The Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman comprise a set of comics detailing the high school experiences of a group of friends. The story focuses on Charlie (a shy over thinker in Year 10) and his relationship with Nick (the popular rugby lad in Year 11). They end up sitting next to each other in a class and a relationship begins to bloom. As they hang out more and more, Charlie starts to have feelings for Nick, though he’s not sure if Nick feels the same way. Luckily, even unlikely wishes often come true in this case!

Teen Review
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice

By Jane Austen
Star Rating

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Saathwika A.
Oct 6, 2021

Pride and Prejudice shows the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet plans on taking her five girls to meet Mr. Bingley, who is a rich and handsome man. While on their meet, Mr. Bingley fancies Jane, the oldest of the Bennet sisters. Mr. Bingley’s friend, Mr. Darcy, likes Elizabeth. Elizabeth is another of the Bennet sisters. But will they allow their pride and prejudice stop them from love and happiness?

Teen Review

Great Expectations

By Charles Dickens

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Aug 23, 2018

Pip is a young boy who lives with his older sister since both of his parents died. He is raised in a depressing and abusive manner, but seems to rub it off quite well. He has high hopes of becoming a rich gentleman and living in London, but his dreams are all crushed as his sisters husband (Joe) is only a blacksmith, and Pip by law needs to follow in his steps. This all changes when one of the most unexpected characters sponsors him, and pays for his journey to become a gentleman.

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