Reviews by Tag: friendship

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Theresa Korte
Feb 4, 2025

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a book that follows a boy by the name Harry Potter through his journey into the wizarding world and community. This is the first book in a seven book series, all of which follow the same character as he grows. Harry is an orphan who has been looked after by his aunt and uncle. This family is ruthless to Harry, especially when strange things happen around him. When discovering his heritage, Harry must change his worldview and face challenges no one could ever imagine.

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Theresa Korte
Feb 4, 2025

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the world acclaimed Harry Potter series. This book follows Harry in his second year at Hogwarts as he continues to fall into strange adventures, face new foes and develop his magic. Suddenly messages written in blood start showing up on the walls of Hogwarts corridors, and people seem to think Harry is to blame. With his friends Ron and Hermione, he sets off to investigate the threats.

Teen Review
Five Survive book cover

Five Survive

By Holly Jackson
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Jan 31, 2025

An RV trip over spring break with friends to the beach, what could possibly go wrong? Eighteen-year-old Red is on an RV trip with her friends, and everything is going pretty well until the group loses signal and gets lost trying to navigate to the campsite. With no means of getting help, they attempt to get out of the RV and figure things out. Just as they’re confident about getting back on the road, shots are fired at them and it’s clear that the gunman has an agenda and is after the friend group in particular.

Teen Review
If He Had Been With Me book cover

If He Had Been With Me

By Laura Nowlin
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 30, 2025

If He Had Been with Me is a realistic fiction teen romance novel that follows Autumn, through her high school years. Her neighbor and childhood best friend, Finny, has finally grown apart and she doesn’t know how to feel about it. Instead, she falls in love with a boy on the Steps of Nowhere and makes the closest friends she’s ever had, besides Finny. Their families still spend holidays together, but it’s not the same.

Teen Review
Spy School Goes South book cover

Spy School Goes South

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Sanay M.
Jan 28, 2025

When junior CIA agent Benjamin Ripley receives another unexpected assignment to take down SPYDER in the jungles of South America, he’s forced into another high-stakes mission. However, what starts as a chance to bring the villainous organization once and for all quickly spirals out of control into a struggle for survival. As the mission advances, Ben and his fellow agents have to think on their feet, run for their lives, and crack SPYDER’s secretive plan before it's too late.

Teen Review
The Chalice of the Gods book cover

The Chalice of the Gods

By Rick Riordan
Star Rating

Rated by
Hayleigh S.
Jan 18, 2025

In The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan, Percy just wants a peaceful life and a normal senior year, especially after saving the world multiple times since he was 12. Percy wants to attend college, and the same one as his girlfriend, Annabeth. As Percy prepares for next year, he is less than thrilled to discover that he must obtain recommendation letters from Mount Olympus through completing quests for the gods. Percy takes on a quest for the god Ganymede, who has lost his chalice that he uses to serve the gods.

Teen Review
Betting on You book cover

Betting on You

By Lynn Painter
Star Rating

Rated by
Hayleigh S.
Jan 18, 2025

Lynn Painter’s novel, Betting on Youis a sweet, fluffy, 2000s romcom in a book. Charlie and Bailey meet at the airport as the two are moving from Alaska to Nebraska. At first, they couldn't stand each other. Bailey is annoyed with Charlie’s outward obnoxious manner, while Charlie can barely tolerate Bailey’s uptightness. The two are forced to sit together on their plane ride. After this, they depart and never see each other again- or so they think.

Teen Review
The Summer I Turned Pretty book cover

The Summer I Turned Pretty

By Jenny Han
Star Rating

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Jan 16, 2025

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han is a romance novel that explores the complexities of love, loss, and the challenges of emotional vulnerability. The story follows a teenager named “Isabelle” or “Belly,” a family friend of the Fishers, two brothers of around the same age that she has feelings for. She has always had feelings for the older brother, Conrad Fisher, however throughout the story begins to see how the other brother, Jeremiah Fisher, is also a man she could see herself with.

Teen Review
The Fort book cover

The Fort

By Gordon Korman
Star Rating

Rated by
Leila S.
Jan 4, 2025

The Fort is a superb piece of literature that tells the tale of four boys (soon to be five) who, after Hurricane Leo, go to check on the condition of their makeshift hideout. However, one of the boys, Evan, is forced by his grandmother to bring along Ricky, the new kid, who no one is very happy to hang out with. Nonetheless, Ricky is the one who finds a new hideout in an abandoned bomb shelter and so they are forced to keep hanging out with him.

Teen Review
Five Survive book cover

Five Survive

By Holly Jackson
Star Rating

Rated by
Charlie C.
Dec 9, 2024

Red Kenny, a teenager struggling with the death of her mother, embarks on a road trip with five of her friends. The trip starts well, but, partway through, their RV breaks down. They have no cell service, no way to fix the truck, and no civilization in sight. When trying to fix the RV, the group realizes something is very wrong when they are shot at from the dark. They are stuck in the van, hostage, by the mysterious man outside. The man reveals that he needs the secret one of them is keeping, and that he will kill anyone who attempts to escape.

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