Reviews by Tag: dinosaurs

Teen Review
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks by Stuart Gibbs

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

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Jun 20, 2024

This book is the 6th addition to the wacky series of FunJungle! One of the reasons I love this book so much is because it will give anyone a few laughs, and will also have them on the edge of their seat at all times while reading. This book will give anyone a good time, and once you read this book, you’ll want to read all of the Funjungle books! In this whimsical world, our main character is Teddy. Teddy Fritzroy’s parents work at the zoo-themed amusement park known as FunJungle.

Teen Review
Jurassic Park book cover

Jurassic Park

By Michael Crichton
Star Rating

Rated by
Rishi Tek
Jun 7, 2024

5 stars- Jurassic Park takes place on a remote jungle island, where genetic engineers have created a dinosaur theme park. However, a catastrophe destroys the park's defense systems, leaving the scientists and tourists trapped on the island filled with dinosaurs fighting for survival. 

Teen Review

Jurassic Park

Star Rating

Rated by
Vaibhav K.
Mar 29, 2024

The billionaire John Hammond, plans to start an island theme park full of dinosaurs created from prehistoric DNA and invites three special guests to tour the island. He assures them that the facility is safe but they find out otherwise when the dinosaurs break free and they have to escape. 

Teen Review
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks by Stuart Gibbs

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks is about a boy named Teddy Fitzroy who lives at a zoo called
FunJungle. One day, when a T. rex skull goes missing, Teddy must enlist help from his friend
Summer McCracken to catch the fossil thief. To complicate things further, the school bullies,
Tim and Jim, have adopted exotic pets that will cause distress if Teddy doesn’t figure out
something to do with them. I really enjoyed this book because it has lots of twists and turns that

Teen Review
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks by Stuart Gibbs

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Paranjay S.
Aug 3, 2021

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks is about Teddy Fitzroy and his encounters with a tyrannosaurus rex skull. One day he receives a call from his friend, Sage, that a T-rex skull that was discovered in his backyard has mysteriously disappeared. Since Teddy has solved many mysteries in the past, he is the one tasked with finding out what happened to the skull. The mystery doesn’t make any sense, as the skull weighed 500 pounds and it had rained the night before, and there were no footprints.

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