The Raven Boys

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Maggie Stiefvater
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 24, 2023

16-year old Blue Sargent grew up with a psychic family. She’s known her entire life that

if she kisses her true love, he will die. When Blue sees the future ghost of a boy named Gansey,

she learns that he will die in a year, and that she either kills him or he is her true love. Blue then

embarks on a journey with the Raven Boys, local prep school students endeavoring to find a

dead Welsh King. Led by Blue’s future victim/true love, Gansey, a handsome and charming

genius with a trust fund at his fingertips, the Raven Boys also consist of Adam, a scholarship

student with a chip on his shoulder, Ronan, an orphan with a tendency to skip school and insult

girls, and Noah, a quiet and mysteriously forgettable boy. While battling a murderous highschool

teacher and romantic prophecies, Blue and the Raven Boys form a bond that transcends anything

else in their lives and binds them for life.

I loved The Raven Boys. Maggie Stiefvater’s writing is unique and truly unlike anything

else I’ve ever read. When reading her words, I was transported to her world. The Raven Boys is

both heart-breakingly romantic and exceedingly clever. This book made me laugh out loud,

something that I think is a heavy feat for words on a page. While the plot is super interesting, it

can get a bit confusing with the multitude of characters. This book definitely deserves a 4.8/5.


Written by
Leilani G.

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