The Wise Man’s Fear

The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Patrick Rothfuss
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 30, 2022

The Wise Man’s Fear is a beautiful and amazing continuation of a wizard, musician, and legend

with a world called Temerant hidden with mysteries to unravel by Patrick Rothfuss. Kvothe, the

main character, is an innkeeper continuing his life story to a chronicler of learning more about

the Chandrian, meeting a man as rich and powerful as a king, meeting powerful warriors called

the Adem, and finally venturing into the Fae where he meets a sinister, childish woman.

Kvothe’s story is as magical as the first while being much more eventful.

I love this book just as much as the first. While it has more pacing issues and also being over a

thousand pages, the character interactions and tidbits we learn of the world is only more

engrossing. Kvothe and Denna’s friendship and romance feels natural but embellished in reality

as Kvothe gains more power while staying foolish. Kvothe’s story foreshadows consequence as

Mr. Rothfuss’ prose made me learn how prose not only can make your writing stand out but hid

mysteries brilliantly. His prose made me fall in love with the story all over again. As Kvothe’s

story continues it becomes darker and more fantastical as Kvothe learns more about Temerant

on his quest to find the Chandrian. While this book is similar to the first their are sexual scenes

that are not appropriate for children. This book is truly a masterpiece but there definitely should

be an age censorship until you can handle these themes. I recommend this book to teenagers

and adults who are trying to find the next big thing,


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