Perks of Going to the Movies

Stephen Chbosky
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 16, 2012

Disclaimer: I love Perks of Being a sorry if I gush.

Charlie is starting his freshman year of high school with a goal: get out there and see the world, make friends, experience new things. But this is harder than it first seems. Most of his classmates don't seem to understand him (and choose not to try an understand) and he spends a lot of his time watching others. But at the urging of his new English teacher, Charlie takes a chance and befriends Sam and Patrick, step-siblings, who take him into their circle of friends, where he learns about friendship, love and hurt, and he learns to be himself. The overall flavor of Perks is bittersweet.

I am in love with Sam for the wonderful way she seems to see the best in people and care deeply for her friends. Yet, at the same time, I am acutely aware of how broken she really is. I adore Patrick for his devil-may-care attitude and his love of life, but I am so disappointed that he would love someone that cannot give him what he deserves. I care deeply about Charlie but I know by doing that I am opening myself up to a world of hurt, as he has a long and rough road ahead.

I was worried about seeing it turned into a film, but with author Stephen Chbosky's both the screen-writer and director I should have known better. The soundtrack is one that I will likely listen to over and over again. The cinematography was beautiful, I especially like his use of color. The casting was spot-on (especially Patrick who I have decided to make my new pretend-best-friend). In fact, I think I want to hang out more with Patrick, Sam and Charlie. I might go see it again (once I dry my tears from the first time). In short, you must read this book then see the movie. They are both short, but infinite.

Reviewed by Kate M.
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