The Vanishing Half is set in the 20th century and follows the lives of twins--Desiree and Stella--born into a colorist town named Mallard. As the twins split ways, each to her own adventures, they both share their own unique stories and reveal the trauma involved with their youth. However, despite their differences and their split, they always manage to find each other. This book does a great job of showing aspects of internal discrimination within a community, whether it be race or gender. Although the storyline piqued my interest and pulled me into the writing, there were some slow scenes within the book that didn’t build suspense nor add significance to the story. While it may not be a life changing 5-star book, it’s a great book. I especially recommend this to middle and high school teachers to use as book club books as it brings in questions that allow students to think outside of their own perspective and see into others.