
Rainbow Rowell
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 24, 2014

In the age of tumblr, fanfiction and fanart, Cath is a relatable character for any teen who has geeked out over a book, tv show or movie. Starting her freshman year of college, Cath is facing several new obstacles. Her twin sister Wren doesn't want to room with her so “they can meet other people.” She is dealing with her father’s mental illness. And college has taken time away from completing her epic online fanfiction Carry On written in the world of Simon Snow (a character reminiscent Harry Potter). On top of it all, Cath might be falling in love with her roommate's boyfriend.

A tender coming-of-age novel, this book is intermixed with Cath’s story and her fanfiction (hilarious to read) and fangirls (and boys) are sure to relate to Cath’s love for Simon and her need to connect with other passionate people. This has been a big year for Rainbow Rowell, this book has been very popular among the nerdfighter contingent, so expect it to fly off the shelves!

Reviewed by Kate M.
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