Louis Zamperini was a runner, a captive, and a fighter. Louie grew up causing problems, so he picked up a hobby of running. Soon this hobby spiraled into a possible career. Louie continued his life as a runner and became very talented in this field. Then WW2 broke out. Louie went out to fight for the United States, until disaster struck. His plane crashed. Louie became helpless and hopeless, while floating in the middle of the ocean. Louie and Phil, who was with him, were found, but were they found by their friends or enemies.
I enjoyed this biography. I generally don’t read non-fiction books like this, so I was surprised when I liked reading this book. In some spots in this book it got very slow and hard to continue reading. I found Louie’s story very fascinating and now I want to learn more about his life and journey. This book included many details about his life and was very information filled. Overall, a pretty good non-fiction biography.