Splinters of Scarlet

Splinters of Scarlet by Emily Bain Murphy
Emily Bain Murphy
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 14, 2022

Splinters of Scarlet is by Emily Bain Murphy, the genre is YA historical fantasy. It’s about a girl

named Marit whose father died in a mining accident, and was moved to an orphanage where

she eventually grew out of the age limit for being adopted. Even when she has every reason to

be bitter, she's not and tries her best to get her friend Eve adopted. On the day of Eve's last

chance to be adopted by someone, Marit uses her magic to sew an amazing costume for Eve.

Unfortunately, every time anyone uses their magic they get a little bit closer to getting the 'Firn',

which makes their blood freeze and kills them. Luckily, Eve gets adopted, but Marit can't go with

her. Marit sees a chance to stay with her and takes it. Both of them move into a huge mansion,

but Marit is part of the staff and can't stick to Eve for long. She realizes that the entire staff uses

their magic, and has to figure out ways to stop the Firn from spreading. While staying with the

Vestergaard family (who own the mines), she learns that her father's death was not an accident.

I would give this book a 4 out of 5, I loved the foreshadowing but also that the actual scheme

was a secret until a few chapters before ending. It was honestly very satisfying to read this



Written by
Kritika S.

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