Monday's Not Coming

Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson
Tiffany D. Jackson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 20, 2022

Monday’s Not Coming is about Claudia, a girl who is the only one who cares about

where her best friend, Monday, disappeared. Claudia, coming back from summer break,

was looking forward to seeing Monday, but Monday never shows up. School, church,

her own home, nowhere to be seen. Whenever Claudia asks for answers, no one

seems concerned and tells her to mind her own business. But Claudia is concerned that

Monday might be in danger, real danger. She knew that Monday’s life wasn’t as good

as hers, but what happened? Digging more and more, Claudia finds out dangerous

secrets Monday had been keeping, but where is this all leading to.

This definitely became my favorite novel for a while, but it was a little heartbreaking and

scary for what the characters had dealt with at such a young age. I loved how unique

this novel was compared other novels I had read. I would recommend for those who like

a scare once in a while, but be prepared to read disturbing things that happen to

Claudia and Monday. I think this book was amazing and it definitely gave a lot of

messages. I would recommend to those who like suspenseful page-turners.


Written by
Teen Book Reviewer

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