City of Heavenly Fire

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Cassandra Clare
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 2, 2022

City of Heavenly Fire is the last novel in the Mortal Instruments series.

The Shadowhunter World is slowly getting taken over by by Clary’s own

brother, Sebastian, the most powerful shadowhunter. As they continue

trying to fight him, some new characters are introduced like the Carstairs

and Blackthorn, (from the Last Hour Series). The final book in the

Shadowhunters is action packed, and has a lot of twists and turns as you

read this page-turner.

I thought this book book was a great finale for the Mortal Instruments

series. I liked the new characters being introduced because I then started

to read the Last Hour Series. It was a really good way to end the book

series. I would rate this book 5/5.

Written by
Teen Book Reviewer

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