We Are Not Free

We Are Not Free by Traci Chee
Traci Chee
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 9, 2022

The book We Are Not Free is a historical fiction by the Author Traci Chee. In the book, they

provide the perspectives of fourteen different characters - Minnow, Shig, Yum-Yum, Bette,

Frankie, Stan, Aiko, Yuki, Mary, Kiyoshi, Mas, Keiko, Twitchy, and Tommy - who are all

Japanese-American teens affected by the Pearl Harbor incident. All the characters (other than

Kiyoshi) lived a peaceful and carefree life together as friends in Japantown, where they lived

until the pearl harbor incident occurred. After this incident, Japanese, including Japanese

Americans like them, were constantly mistreated for their race, calling them Japanese spies and

other racist names. The book showcased the xenophobia and racism towards Asians in the

1940s. They were kicked out of their homes, dragged onto crowded trains, and held in

concentration camps. This novel explores and provides clarity to what all of them went through.

It captures all the emotions they felt; Love, Hate, Stress, Hope, Sadness, Frustration.

As someone who didn’t have a lot of knowledge about the pearl harbor incident and how it

affected Asians, especially Japanese, I thoroughly enjoyed and found this book very informative

and interesting. I could not put this book down. It fully informed me about the incident and its

aftermath. I felt a sense of sorrow reading some parts of the book, but I also felt

accomplishment when one of the characters would achieve something they’ve been wanting to

achieve or portray a message to the public. What I really found interesting about the book was

that for every chapter, it was a perspective of a different character. It really encapsulates the

perspective of the whole ordeal from their brains and their unique personalities.

I highly recommend this book for youth aged 12/13-18. In some cases, can read the book at the

age of twelve, but there is frequent cursing in most of the chapters,

descriptions of death, descriptions of war, and some violence. However, it just depends on the

reader's maturity, knowledge, and comfort to triggering topics. However, We Are Not Free is a

book everyone should read at one point.

Written by
Rumi H.

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