Once Was Lost

Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr
Sara Zarr
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 10, 2022

Sam is a pastor's kid, which means a lot of things in the small town of Pineview. One

thing it means is that her mom always has to seem perfect, and she turned to

alcohol. Another thing that means is that no one wants to be her friend because they

think she will tell her dad about what they do. Sam is overall, really lost when her

mom has to go to rehab for her drinking and she is even more lost when a girl that

goes to her church goes missing. Sam is really confused in this messy time of her life

and all she wants is to be found.

This book was okay. I felt the plot and storyline wasn’t really there. There could have

been a lot more going on, which I was waiting for and it never came. I did appreciate

that the title tied in with the book and was easy to understand why it was named

how it was. This was a Christian missing person book, but it just didn’t hit the

expectations I had for it. Overall, it isn't my favorite book but it was readable.

Written by
Anna S.

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