Splinters of Scarlet

Splinters of Scarlet by Emily Bain Murphy
Emily Bain Murphy
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 12, 2022

Rating: 3

My rating for this book is a 3 because the book only takes place in one setting for the

most part. This makes the book not at all compelling to me personally. It was hard to

focus reading the book as it was not very interesting.


This is a book written with two perspectives, a 12 year old girl named Marit, and a

man named Phillip. Marit's dad died in the mines of Vestergaard and her sister because

of using too much magic. She then learns that her father's death was not an accident.

After this, she learns to not fear her magic but also use it wisely.


My recommendation for this book is anyone who wants to read books about

suspense, mystery, and fantasy. I would recommend the interest level of this book to

about 11-18 year olds. I would recommend the reading level of this book to about 12-18

year olds. Overall, I would only recommend this book specifically to only some people.

Written by
Aadit G.

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