Valiant Ladies

Valiant Ladies by Melissa Grey
Melissa Grey
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 12, 2022

Valiant Ladies, by Melissa Grey, is a stunning story of love, mystery, and finding

yourself. Kiki is a rich girl who only wants to sword fight and be with Ana, she doesn't

want to be married and have to stay at home. Ana grew up on the streets until she

found Kiki. She now lives in a beautiful house and might soon lose Kiki. After Kiki’s

brother’s sudden death, the girls decide to find the murderer and the culprit of the other

murders around the city. As they search, they find that maybe they can do what they

want, be who they want, love who they want. I loved how these girls were real people.

Most of the story isn’t real, but these girls did exist. I thought this was a great book and

would recommend it to any teens who love self-righteous girls and sword fights.

Written by
Claire A.

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