Words of Radiance

Words of Radience by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: After escaping from Sadeas’s camp with Dalinar’s aid, Kaladin has everything

he’s ever wanted: a battalion of soldiers, all under his command. Dalinar, on the other hand,

finds himself in much more trouble than before, with Sadeas’s betrayal splitting the highprinces

into two sides, making it much more difficult to unite them. Meanwhile, Shallan and Jasnah are

traveling to the Shattered Plains in search of Urithiru, in the hopes they can prevent the return of

the voidbringers.

Somebody: Kaladin, Dalinar, Shallan, Adolin

Wants: Kaladin wants to protect the king and his family at all costs. Dalinar wants to

unite the highprinces, as well as refound the Knights Radiant. Shallan wants to learn how to

become a Radiant, and wants to marry Adolin so that her family can be safe from the men who

threaten them.

But: When the assassin in white returns, Kaladin realizes that he must master his

newfound powers, or be destroyed in the wake of the assassin. Shallan returns to the Shattered

Plains with news of Jasnah’s death, causing the already struggling Kholin family to face a wave

of grief. Meanwhile, Adolin plans on earning all the Shards in the kingdom through duels, though

after his first few, he finds that most people are either too scared or too cocky to fight him.

So: Kaladin begins training his stormlight, and eventually masters the powers the

assassin holds as well. Shallan begins looking for Urithiru, though finds herself in increasing

trouble as more and more people seem to be searching for the same place, all with different

motives. Adolin faces four shardbearers in a single duel, though with Kaladin’s help, he is able

to narrowly come out victorious. Dalinar looks to the center of the plains, preparing a strike on

the Parshendi to finally end the war.

Then: Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of the army go to the middle of the Shattered

Plains, where both Urithiru and the Parshendi army are supposed to be. Kaladin stays at the

warcamp after an injury, but after saving the king from an assassination attempt, he goes to the

center of the Shattered Plains to battle the assassin in white. After an intense battle against the

Parshendi, Shallan brings everyone to the gateway to Urithiru, and teleports them to the

mystical city just as Kaladin takes down the assassin, winning the day.

Opinion: Words of Radiance may be one of Sanderson’s strongest works yet. With

excellent pacing, a thrilling plot, and a deeper dive into a few of the world’s characters and

magic system, this book truly manages to shine.

Though I’d argue this book was stronger than the first, it had a few issues as well. There

were a few chapters that were tedious to read, and Kaladin was plain unlikable for most of the

book. Despite these small details, the book really was an amazing read. If you’ve already read

Way of Kings and enjoyed it, then this book is a great way to follow up on it.

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