For Everyone

For Everyone by Jason Reynolds
Jason Reynolds
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 19, 2022

Jason Reynolds has something to say to all of the dreamers out there. Something that’s

been at the back of his head, holding him back for as long as he can remember. He’s finally ready

to let it go for the world to see. But first, he needs you to know something. He doesn’t know

anything about making dreams come true. He’s been dreaming all his life, and he has yet to see

everything come together. That’s something that all dreamers know about. The feeling of

dreaming, of everything you want to be and everything you can be. The feeling of being a

different, better person, and knowing that one day, you can be that person. But there’s always

that feeling. That feeling in the back of your mind, holding you back, dragging you down, telling

you that you can’t do it. You can’t jump into the life that you know you want, the life that you’ve

been working so hard to create. The fear holds you back. But Jason Reynolds has a message for

you. Jump anyway. No matter what, jump anyway. No matter how great the obstacle, how

impossible the situation, how strong the fear, jump anyway. He doesn’t know anything about

making dreams come true. But he does know that, no matter what, you have to jump anyway. If

all of this means nothing to you, you can destroy it. Use it for something, maybe firewood on

your journey. But for all the dreamers out there, the ones that know what it’s like to dream all

your life, this is for you.

It’s hard to put into words how I feel about this book. It’s important to note that it might

not resonate with everyone. As Reynolds himself states, the book is for the dreamers. But for the

dreamers, the ones that Reynolds describes, this book is so powerful. That’s the best way to

describe this book. It’s definitely not your typical book. It’s hard to write a typical summary, or

even explain the plot of the book. But that’s what makes it so powerful. It defies everything that

the reader expects from a book, just to deliver the most important message that Reynolds can:

jump anyway. It’s actually exactly how Reynolds describes it at the beginning of the book. For

Everyone is a letter that people find on their way to their dream. Some people may use it as

nothing more than firewood. But for the dreamers, it can be the spark that reignites the fire inside

them, or makes it burn brighter than ever. This book is more powerful than it seems, which

makes it as deserving of a rating of 5 as any book. For all the dreamers, this is a letter than you

can’t miss.

Written by
Varun R.

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