We Were Liars

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
E. Lockhart
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 29, 2022

Cadence Sinclair is lost and confused. She is living on a private island where the

Sinclair’s spend every summer. Cadence is 17 and going to the island, but she doesn’t

remember anything that happened when she was 15. Cadence is searching for the

truth, but will she be able to find it on this island? Cadence knows that there was an

accident but she doesn’t know what happened, but everyone else on the island

seems to know. Cadence will uncover the secrets of the past and learn some things

she doesn’t want to know.

We Were Liars wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. I had heard so many

good things about it, but I found the story hard to follow. I still am thinking about what

was going on in this book and had to watch a video to understand it. This is a book

that I think would make a lot more sense reading it a second time. I would

recommend this book to anyone looking for a book with big twists and a book that

you have to really focus on. My advice for people reading this book is, go in with an

open mind and in the beginning push through, because it does get better. Overall,

We Were Liars was a good book that was a little confusing at times.

Written by
Anna S.

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