The Poetry of Secrets

The Poetry of Secrets by Cambria Gordon
Cambria Gordon
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 6, 2022

Introduced as a historical fiction romance, The Poetry of Secrets by Cambria Gordon

becomes much more than just a love story: it is the story of identity, family, loyalty, feminism,

religion, and internal conflict, all during the Spanish Inquisition in Spain in 1481. This novel follows

Isabel Perez, a converso, or a Jew forced to convert to Catholicism. But like many conversos in Spain

during that time, her family, although attending church every Sunday, still practices Judaism in the

basement of their home. Because of the mistrust of truth Catholics surrounding conversos, conversos

are low in the social hierarchy and don’t have many of the same privileges Catholics have. Indeed,

Isabel and her secret partner Diego Altamirano wish to get married, but doing so would isolate and

bring shame upon both of their families for various reasons. As the Spanish Inquisition reaches their

city, life becomes exponentially more dangerous, and Isabel may have to choose between her safety

and her happiness.

One of the best things about The Poetry of Secrets is that it is infused with real, historical

poetry, some pieces hundreds of years old. This clearly illustrates that poetry is a large part of the

novel, and, apart from its beauty, it is one of the primary ways Isabel journals to express herself

amidst the chaos of the Inquisition surrounding her. Overall, the novel ties together so many

important themes while recounting the danger and brilliance of Isabel’s tale, and it is something that

will surely interest any reader.

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