Save Me a Seat

Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan
Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan
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Reviewer's Rating
Sep 27, 2022

Save Me a Seat is a fiction book written by Sarah Weeks and Gita

Varadarajan. Joe and Ravi are very different, however they have a common bully

at school. Even though they have the support of their families they need each

other's support to take control over their life, during a crazy time. Ravi and Joe

both get bullied by Dillon and try to get out of this situation in different ways.

They both wish to settle in their class, and be respected, and for things to go

back to normal. Dillon bullying them, and Joe’s study focus issues, as well as Ravi

being a topper in India, and is having difficulties as a foreign student. The ups

and downs were hard to get through, but they work together eventually and you

get out of this situation. They succeeded to remove these obstacles together by

creative situations, and to have a better year. They gave the bully an answer back,

giving them confidence, and the bully something to rethink. They both became

friends and gave someone to depend on.

The most compelling aspect of this book is when Ravi moves and is

struggling. I found this very interesting and sad for him since it would feel bad

from going to a topper to having to try to keep up. I was disappointed when they

allowed the bully to make fun of them, and didn't stand up to him. This is because

I was upset they didn’t have to power to differentiate and stand up for themselves.

The thoughts or feelings this book inspired is standing up for myself and others,

no matter what the situation is. I recommend this book for those who would like to

stand up for others and themselves, and know how to differentiate between them,

and know who and how to support them.


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