Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 28, 2022

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Is a wonderful and popular fantasy book written by J.K

Rowling. This book is about a 14 year old teenager with a strange lightning scar on his forehead

named Harry. In his fourth year, there is a interschool competition between other wizarding

schools: Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. These schools have 3 main competitions with each

school having one member that is represented. However, Harry was selected for this

competition even though he can’t be chosen. Why was he chosen? What scheme is underfoot.

From trials with magical beasts to mermaids this is Harry Potter’s wildest adventure yet. New

characters such as Cedric Diggory and Mad Eye Moody only spice up character conflicts as the

game is afoot.

This book is my favourite of the series so far. It is the most eventful with magical trials where

Harry has to face true opposition, to the reemergence of evil as we know it. This books changes

the lives of characters such as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as they brave through another

adventure with colorful characters from other schools like Krum. The magic this school year is

greatly expanded as we learn more advanced spells and powers. For being such a long book it

is extremely well paced with the 3 main events emphasizing the magical component and

wonder of this world, while continuing to hook the reader. Alongside the characters readers try

to learn what each event is and are on the edge of their seats as Harry must figure out how to

overcome the challenges and come out on top! I love reading about tournaments and

competition and this is the best one yet.


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