Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse

Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse
Rick Riordan
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 28, 2022

Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse is a exciting book to read with darker themes and fun

action by Rick Riordan. The third book in the series is about Percy and his friends going on a

dangerous quest to rescue his best friend Annabeth Chase and the Greek goddess Artemis,

who have both been kidnapped by the titans. With more monsters and mysteries unravel the

third book is a reminder of how great the Percy Jackson series is.

I loved this book as we gained more story progressions and character interaction that were

intriguing between Thalia and Percy. I felt Rick Riordan fleshed out the characters of Thalia and

Percy alongside characters like Zoe. As we learn more about these Greek mythological

characters, we are reminded that not everything is rainbow and sunshines. Mr. Riordan is able

to balance the harshness and cruelty of his world where demigods die regularly while still giving

us hope through Percy’s grit and humorous action as he cuts down monster after monster to

save Annabeth and the world. The only criticism I had in the book was that the book dragged

before the adventure started as Rick Riordan could have made Percy’s internal struggles more

compelling to read. In the end, this book is very good for anyone to read as the story progresses

alongside the reader. As the characters age through the series it reveals the darker aspects of

Greek mythology and how the Gods aren’t necessarily good people.


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