Today Tonight Tomorrow

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Rachel Lynn Solomon
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 28, 2022

Rowan Roth is an overachieving, high school student. She studies, volunteers, works, has a

million leadership positions, and is involved in just about every club at her school. It is finally

the last day of the school year and the only person stopping Rowan from becoming Valedictorian

is none other than her academic rival of the last four years, Neil McNair. Rowan and Neil have

been at each other's throats for years, to the point where several recounts of their student council

president election results had to be conducted before the consensus of the two being

co-presidents was made. It's finally their last day of senior year, and their annual school

competition, Howl, is going to take place. After losing Valedictorian to Neil, Rowan is

determined to defeat him through Howl. However, after an interesting turn of events, the two

rivals make a peace treaty to work with each other through the scavenger hunt, and the two see

sides of each other that they had never even had a glimpse of in the last four years.


I absolutely loved Today Tonight Tomorrow. I am an absolute sucker for academic rivals to

lovers, and this novel is quite literally the epitome of this trope, but with so much more. Rather

than fall in love with each other through the tension of their educational competition, Rowan and

Neil get closer by learning about the deep, intimate parts of each other’s personalities. Even with

the limited timeline of this book (twenty-four hours), Solomon does such an amazing job of

developing the two’s relationship. Rowan and Neil go under severe character and relationship

development in all of twenty-four hours, and this development is very clearly understood by the

readers. Overall, I give this novel a five as it is one of my favorite books of all time.


Written by
Haya B.

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