Golden Son

Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Pierce Brown
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 30, 2022

Golden Son is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown. Darrow remains

undercover as a Peerless Scarred Gold. He is in danger of losing favor of being discarded by

the Archgoverner of Mars due to not meeting expectations. With no news from Ares Darrow is a

spy left stranded and isolated from comrades and friends. Darrow’s dream is put to the test

when he has to face the political maneuvering of High Society and the reigning Sovereign. The

depths that Darrow must got to free his race of Reds seems endless but Darrow must continue

to fight for Eo’s in the face of danger and destruction.

Golden Son was a huge step up from Red Rising and abandoning the series’ YA roots. The

story becomes darker as the author brilliantly fleshes out Darrow while keeping his fundamental

traits of strong will and aggression. Moreover, the pacing in the second book is flawless as plot

points and character interaction between characters such as Darrow, Sevro, Mustang, and the

Jackal are brilliantly portrayed. The story never drags and when it seems like the adventure

has slowed down to a halt at the end of this novel, a jaw dropping conclusion cements this as

one of my favourite sci fi fantasy novels ever. The action is brutal and vicious through a weapon

called a Sling Blade which is one of the coolest weapons I’ve seen in a bool. Golden Son has

revealed to me a new sci fi series that may challenge the classics of old. I recommend this

greatly to teenagers and even adults as this book will not disappoint.


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