A Torch Against The Night

A Torch Against the Night
Sabaa Tahir
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Oct 31, 2022

A Torch Against The Night is the second installment in the Ember in the Ashes trilogy.

Rebel Laia and her former enemy and now savior Elias must escape soldiers in the

subterranean tunnels of the Empire. Ultimately, they must somehow make their way to the

dreaded prison of Kauf, where Laia’s brother, who possess important information, is imprisoned

and tortured. And they must be swift in order to reach him before he is killed. A difficult task,

given the seizures and visions that Elias begins to endure, an old “friend” joining them on their

journey, and the Emperor’s Blood Shrike and enforcer hot on their tracks. But they have

overcome impossible situations before, and they must do it again if there is to be any hope of

liberating the world from the oppressive Empire.

This is a pretty engaging read, with lots of action, unexpected twists, and romance.

Sometimes it was difficult to remember the many characters and plot lines as it’s a pretty long

book, but ultimately everything tied together in a satisfying way. With all the components of an

amazing YA fantasy romance, I recommend you check this one out! I would give it four out of

five stars.

Written by
Mariam S.

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