Another beautiful, intelligent, sensitive teenager has killed her self. The media blames the bullies at Emma Putnam's new school that refused to accept her, that kept her on the fringe. The used words like slut and whore, they left notes and signs on her locker, they found her on social media...they drove her to suicide.
But that is just one side of the story.
Sara Wharton's life came crashing down the day Emma committed suicide. Identified as one of the bullies, Sara faces some very serious charges in court. But it wasn't her fault, Emma wasn't exactly nice to her, and even though Sara and her friend Brielle made it clear she wasn't welcome, Emma kept hanging around. And when Emma kissed Sara's boyfriend, that was the end of it. The two friends hatched a plan to drive Emma to transfer schools, but perhaps they went to far...
This debut novel is an interesting look at the news stories from another perspective. Sara feels her had is forced as Emma flirts with her boyfriend and constantly hangs around with the guys in her group. She rages against the unfairness of it all. Emma chose to kill herself, leaving Sara to live with the consequences. Neither an apologetic nor kind look at Sara and Brielle, this story will none-the-less challenge the reader to rethink their vindication at the sentences of girls in similar situations to Sara.