The Hive by Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden

The Hive by Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden
Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 7, 2022

The Hive by Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden

Cassie Mckinney, a hacker who had inherited her dead father’s skills, has consistently

followed The Hive, a massive group on social media that punishes users who cause trouble

online as a way to teach others of what happens to those who misbehave. Despite her mother’s

disapproval of The Hive, Cassie never thought of The Hive as a “hurtful” group as the harshest

punishments were often walking through the street without clothes based off of five levels, with

one being the lowest and five being the highest, which was rarely achieved. Therefore, when

arriving at her new school, Cassie posts a “joke” online involving the president’s newborn son,

after being driven on by her friends. Soon enough, a “nobody” hacker is soon transformed into

an infamous icon with the level six, kill on sight, hanging over her head. As Cassie runs for her

life, she meets various outcasts who are also coders and are on the run from The Hive who she

has no choice but to trust. Desperate to clear her name and defeat The Hive, Cassie discovers

hidden secrets about The Hive and recovers from betrayals from her friends and is finally

reunited with her mother.

I have to admit, I did enjoy this book more than I thought I would. The novel had many

descriptive details and realistic characters with obvious flaws and different personalities. While

the beginning was a bit tedious and dull, I was on the edge of my seat during the second half

when the action became more emphasized. The Hive discusses different topics such as a social

hierarchy being thrown in a more destructive perspective in a fictional world. While this book

isn’t the best I’ve read, it does come close to being so. The book brings out the abusive nature in

humanity while also showing concealed aspects of kindness within different characters who help

the main character. Overall, this book wasn’t perfect, but it certainly had the potential to do so if

it weren’t as slow as it was in the beginning.


Written by
Iqra N.

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