Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell by Barry Lyga
Barry Lyga
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 7, 2022

After digging up their parents’ time capsule from 35 years ago, Elayah, Liam, Jorja, and

Marcie discover hidden secrets along with a bloody knife with a note. Soon enough, the friend

group begins to question their loyalty to their parents. Could one of their parents have killed

someone? It all started in 1986, where their parents all had secrets of their own, and the missing

friend in their group who still hasn’t turned up. However, soon after contacting news experts,

Elayah is threatened and cut with a knife in her bed from an unknown suspect begging her to

give the knife back. A case soon launches and Elayah, Liam and her other friends are desperate

to solve the mystery case from thirty five years ago in order to prove their parents innocent.

Suspect after suspect, they still don’t have a lead until they run different DNA tests on stamps

mailed from the missing friend from 1986, Antoine. Chaos releases as the parents are brought to

admit to their crimes and it’s not until a cassette tape is found that the suspect is finally known as

the murderer. A family is torn apart, while the other is finally able to rest from the justice served.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t really like this book as much as I thought I would. The characters

were bland in personality and two of the “main characters” only showed up for a total of three

pages in the entire novel. However, there were some aspects that I really enjoyed, such as the

descriptive settings and the choice of words. This book was long, a total of 421 pages, if we’re

being exact. So yes, I read this book in the span of one week expecting the pace of the story to

pick up. It didn’t, for your information, and the entire mystery could have been solved within

200 pages and we wouldn’t have to sacrifice those poor trees for the additional 221 pages that

was just worldbuilding and flashbacks that we certainly wouldn’t need. I did like the mystery, as

it was a bit unexpected. I guess time will tell whether I change my opinion on this book later on

in my life. Haha, get it? Sorry.


Written by
Iqra N.

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