We Were Liars

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
E. Lockhart
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 12, 2022

Every year in the summer, the wealthy Sinclair family returns to their private island in

Massachusetts. Cady looks forward to reuniting with her family, composed of Mirren, Johnny,

and Gat - the Liars. As Cady experiences hardships and love during summer, her migraines

intensify, until she’s left questioning her own sanity. And her friendships quickly turn destructive

as she edges closer to the truth...

This book was definitely not what I expected to me, but I (partially) enjoyed it nonetheless.

However, I did not like Cady. She was hard to root for as a main character because she didn’t

seem to have much of a personality other that complaining. The other characters (the Liars)

didn’t really contribute much to the book. In addition, the plot was kind of hard to figure out

because there really wasn’t one. 300 pages of buildup for a surprising plot twist at the end? The

ending was fun, but the rest of the book felt a bit... unnecessary. In addition, the writing style

and prose were also strange, but I did appreciate how descriptive the author was. I felt like I was

fully immersed in the story, and while it wasn’t the most interesting, it was pretty

suspenseful/thrilling. Overall, We Were Liars was underwhelming considering how much it has

been hyped-up, but it was still fun to read. ⅗


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