Journey to the Heart of the Abyss

Journey to the Heart of the Abyss by London Shah
London Shah
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 19, 2022

This sequel to The Light at the Bottom of the World definitely didn’t disappoint. In this book, you get

drawn back into the futuristic world of Leyla McQueen. In this book, she is challenged with a lot of

obstacles and decisions that she has to make. She discovers many things about the government, the

reasons why certain events are happening, and who she really is. I read this book in one seating as I

couldn’t put it down! This book was definitely more chaotic & adventurous compared to the first book,

but I still really enjoyed reading it. I recommend this to anyone who has read the first book. If you

haven’t read this Duology yet, I recommend that you should if you like sci-fi, mystery, the ocean, and a

bit of romance.


Written by
Isabel P.

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