Healer of the Water Monster

Healer of the Water Monster by Brian Young
Brian Young
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 6, 2023

Healer of the Water Monster by Brian Young is a fantasy book. Nathan is spending the summer

with Nali, his grandma. During the summers, Nali lives in her mobile home in the desert. When

Uncle Jet comes to live with Nathan something weird comes with him. Nathan isn't entirely sure

what it is, but he knows Uncle Jet will need help. A few weeks later, Nathan meets Pond, a sick

Water Monster. The Holy Beings trust Nathan to save Pond, but that is not an easy task. Pond

must learn how to protect himself in the Third World, and he doesn’t have much time. As Pond

continues to get sicker, Nathan begins to wonder if his efforts will be enough, or if he will lose

his friend forever. I liked this book and would recommend it. I liked that it included parts of

Navajo culture. I also liked that even through his struggles Nathan knew he could always

depend on his friends and family.


Written by
Victoria O.

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