Cat Among the Pigeons

Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 24, 2023

Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie is a mystery novel. While investigating a mysterious

light coming from the sports pavilion, 2 teachers stumble upon the body of their games mistress

among the lacrosse sticks. She is shot through the heart from point blank range. When the

exclusively all-girls school is thrown into chaos and madness, they discover that a particular

student knows too much. She knows one thing. Without the aid of Hercule Poirot, she will be the

killer’s next victim...

I loved this book and most of the time I was in suspense and eager to turn the page! One thing I

will point out is that there are A LOT of derogatory terms used in this particular book, and I

understand that it fits the era but it might be considered offensive material for some. Overall, a

thrilling story with a fascinating ending.


Written by
Abigail M.

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