Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra by Stuart Gibbs
Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 24, 2023

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra is about a girl named Charlie Thorne who

just turned 13. She is on the run because she has the world's most valuable piece of

information memorized. A treasure from Cleopatra has Charlie on the hunt. She will face many

challenges and come in possession of many historical artifacts. I enjoyed this story because it

shows a strong female main character. Charlie is strong willed and always wants to do the right

thing. My favorite part of this book is when Charlie goes to the Metropolitan Museum in New

York City. I recommend this book to 6-8th graders.


Written by
Mia M.

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