Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K Rowling
J.K. Rowling
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 6, 2023

As Dumbledore stops by the Dursleys’ to pick up Harry, they stop on the way to recruit

Horace Slughorn to teach at Hogwarts. While shopping for books, Harry overhears Draco

Malfoy threatening that Burgin fixes an unknown object. At school, Dumbledore announces that

Snape will be the new D.A.D.A teacher. Since Harry forgot to buy a potions book, Professor

Slughorn lets him use an old book from someone named, “The Half-Blood Prince”. Inside of the

book, there were tips that helped Harry exceed in potions. Harry also learns that Voldemort was

left at an orphanage and grew to be an unpleasant and aggressive boy. He also learns that

Voldemort has divided his soul into seven Horcruxes. Two of these, Tom Riddle’s diary and

Marvolo’s ring, have already been destroyed. One resides in Voldemort, one resides in a snake,

one is Merope’s locket, and the other two are suspected to be hidden in objects belonging to

Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor. Dumbledore thinks that he knows where a Horcrux is, so

Harry and Dumbledore set off to find it. They had to go through many traps before finding that it

is under a fountain of poisonous potion. Dumbledore drinks it and they take the Horcrux and go

back to Hogwarts. Once they arrive, they see that the Dark Mark is above the astronomy tower.

They go there and find many Death Eaters, including Snape....

In my opinion, this book is definitely a great book. Although it has a whopping 672

pages, J.K. Rowling still finds a way to keep me engaged throughout the entire book. My

favorite part of the book is the plot twist when Harry and Dumbledore get to the astronomy

tower. In the end, this book is definitely a really good book and I would certainly recommend it to


Written by
Adam H.

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