The Burning Bridge

The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan
John Flanagan
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 14, 2023

In this second iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, we revisit our

beloved character Will. Now marked with fame by his contest against the Kalkara and his rescue

of his even more famous master Halt, he is sent on a mission in preparation for war against the

exiled lord Morgarath. But this falls to pieces when Will, accompanied by Halt’s former

apprentice Gilan and his friend Horace, finds the neighboring lands of Celtica deserted, a lost girl

who may be royalty, and a massive bridge that will tear the Araluen army to pieces if it isn’t

destroyed. This book is just as good as the last, adding a new and complex (and important future)

character which also helps build on previous characters personalities and bonds. This is, in my

eyes, an excellent representation of the transition of younger teens into older ones and it really is

impressive how the author managed to capture that. If I were to recommend the first of the

Ranger’s Apprentice books (which I would) I couldn’t not recommend this one.


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