The Selection

Cover photo of the book The Selection
Kiera Cass
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 17, 2023

The Selection by Kiera Cass is a dystopian novel and is the first book in the series. 35 girls are

chosen to compete in the Selection. In a world with a messed up caste system/social system,

the Selection is a chance of a lifetime and gives girls a chance to escape the life they were

given. America Singer doesn’t like the thought of competing for the crown though. When

America is forced to compete for the sake of her family, now living in the castle, she finds out

the competition is tense. What adds to all this is that there are rebel attacks occurring that are


I liked this book because it didn’t have too many fighting scenes like most dystopian novels. I

thought it was an easy read and was very well written. The parts with the rebel attacks really

added to the book and made it a more interesting book. I honestly like dystopian books that

have more action, but this one is a very sweet book. I feel like some parts were a little dragged

and unnecessary but overall it was a good book. I really like the friendships that blossom in this

book, and I like how we can learn about each girl and how they act. I would definitely

recommend this book to people who like dystopian novels with not many plot twists and action. I

give this book a 4/5.

Spoilers: Throughout the book I had a really bad impression on Prince Maxon. I know he’s a

good person but he got on my nerves. I still really liked America and Maxon’s relationship

though. I feel like America didn’t have much character development in the book. I also didn’t

think it was necessary to add Aspen back into the book, I know that it made the plot more

interesting, but personally I feel like he should have been a character that’s forgotten. Even with

all these not-so-good parts, the book is really really good and keeps getting better when you

keep reading it. Overall it was a sweet and heartwarming book.


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