
Dune by Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 22, 2023


Paul Atredies, born into a futuristic dystopian society as royalty, must unpack his true destiny

when he travels to the desert planet of Arrakis, a rugged, worn-torn planet, containing the most

valuable resource in the universe, spice. For nearly 80 years prior, the royal house of Harkoneen

had ruled over Arrakis, harvesting spice at the Emperor's will, the ruler of the Great Houses

including the Atreides and Harkonnen. Suspiciously, the Adredies, by order of the Emperor are

sent to Arrakis to replace the Harkonnen operation only to find that it was a set-up, to eventually

destroy the Atreides once in for all. Paul, son to the Duke of Atreides, and his mother, narrowly

escape the attack and must team up with the Fremen, the native Arakeen people who have

mastered the ways of the desert through years of training and experience. Paul must seek out his

true destiny and avenge the Atreides, the Fremen, and most importantly, Arrakis.


Dune by Frank Herbert, is a compelling choice for any teenager who is a fan of science fiction

and adventure. I originally found my inspiration for reading Dune after watching the most recent

movie; it’s when I realized I couldn’t stop myself from reading a story as epic as this one. The

plot and setting is easily the most appealing part of the novel: a futuristic world with advanced

technology and weapons with large battles between huge armies, what could possibly be more

exciting? Besides its over-the-top appeal, the novel feels very grounded with its characters.

Herbert’s style of narration switches POV many times, going through each major character’s

through processes, switching almost every chapter. It can be a bit of a bore especially for those

looking for an intense thriller at every moment. Personally, I feel as though the middle section of

the novel was quite boring and uneventful with a constant feeling of “are we there yet?” nagging

me at the back of my mind as I read it. I also found the ending to be slightly anticlimactic and

sudden, as if there should have been a solid twenty or thirty more pages to wrap it up. In short, if

you are interested in a faster pace introduction to a brand new fictitious world with suspense and

don’t mind a slower-paced section where Herbert expresses his own philosophical views in

unique ways, then Dune may be one you want to try out.

Rating (3/5):

I ultimately give Dune a three as it was entertaining and fun to read overall. Looking in

hindsight, I didn’t enjoy the book quite as much as I wanted to, especially after watching the

movie, which prevents me from rating it any higher than a three.


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