Dune Messiah

Dune Messiah
Frank Herbert
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Apr 24, 2023

Dune Messiah is the second book in the Dune series written by Frank Herbert. I am a
big fan of the first Dune because of its huge sci-fi scope mixed in with politics and religion that
can be seen in the world today as well. The dialogue was amazing too, and it felt like everything
that the characters said could be interpreted in a deeper level. I love that book and I don’t think
I’ll ever stop finding anything new every time I go back to reread it. Dune Messiah isn’t as
good as the first book, in my opinion, but it’s still a worthy companion to Dune. I love that
Herbert takes this protagonist that we’ve somewhat seen before and flips it on its head to make
something truly unique. I think the idea to make Paul imperfect was great and it really adds
more depth to the story. However, I don’t like some of the storytelling decisions Frank Herbert
makes, and I especially don’t like how some characters are relegated in this book. But other
than that, I’m perfectly fine with this book existing and I think it’s pretty nice.



Written by
Nihanth D.

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