The Silence that Binds Us

The Silence That Binds Us
Joanna Ho
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
May 13, 2023

May, an Asian-American highschooler, has a normal life with a popular brother, parents who want her to do her best, and really good writing skills. When her brother Danny commits suicide, she and her family break down. But a racist man accuses her family of causing Danny’s death and uncovers the closeted racism in her community. May raises her voice to protect her family from the racist and hateful words directed for them by writing to the newspaper. When it gets published, her story incites a discussion on the racism of her community.

This book exceeded all my expectations and tackled a serious topic in today’s society. May’s story is told really well and incites many emotions in the readers. May’s journey in realizing the truth about racism in her community illustrates her character growth. I was extremely satisfied with this book and find it to be very well-written and emotional. This is a good novel for those who like reading about problems within society.

The book was very good, and it made me learn a lot more about racism in society. I rate this a 5 out of 5.


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