An epileptic boy named Finn is stuck and lonely in his dreary world. His only friend is a slacker named Cade who drinks and smokes. When Julia moves to town, he feels like she is his escape from the rest of the world. She also provides him an escape from his father's book, whom he thinks he is the main character of.
I really enjoyed it. I didn't like how the summary described it because it said Julia moves away when in actuality she doesn't leave until the last 50 or so pages. It was kind of a slow read because the author used lots of description and memory flashbacks to fill the space between events so we got a better understanding of Finn, which I loved. If it was simply a slow read with little happening, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. I also loved than Finn finally discovered salvation at the end and feels like his own person. He breaks out of his shell and becomes unafraid to do things.
I thought it was rather weird that when Cade and Finn were going to Oklahoma to visit the University, Julia was not at all the first thing on his mind. It was like he completely gave up hope on her until he decided to come out of his shell and be his own man.
I would recommend this book for anyone. It's just a dude chillin'. A dude, on a journey, chillin'.