Lib Wright is an English nurse who was serving under the legendary leadership of Ms. Nightingale, a renowned nurse in various regions of Europe. Shortly after the Crimean War, Lib is called to Ireland during the 19th century to observe a new patient by the name of Anna O’Donnell, an 11-year-old girl whose parents claim that she hasn’t eaten anything since her last birthday, which had taken place four months ago. As Lib and a nun exchange shifts to watch over Anna, Lib notices odd marks on Anna’s limbs and knows that Anna must be getting her food somehow, as it was highly improbable that she could survive without food for four months. But, as she observes Anna and her hostile family further, she begins to second guess herself and wonders, is Anna actually a miracle? Or is she a hoax that was created by her family in order to gain fame and fortune?
This novel left me with questions as well, because it dragged on for a while in the beginning and I just couldn’t really get into it until the latter half of the book, where it picked up pace suddenly. The mystery itself wasn’t anything that I had read before so there are some points for that! I am glad that there wasn’t any murder involved and instead of looking for a suspect, the reader has to figure out the method in which Anna was, presumably, getting her nutrients. I liked the way the book delved deep into religious values and biology/anatomy at the same time but there were also themes in this book that I felt like could have been fine without. I enjoyed the rainy Ireland setting and the very real sexism that women felt back in the day. While this book wasn’t certainly on my highest shelf, I did enjoy it somewhat and it’s not a book that one forgets easily. I also read Room by Emma Donoghue and it was somewhat the same rapid pace and then a casual slow chunk of the book. But, either way, both books observe a unique plot.